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Research & practice

Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where k

Slides for OER14 Developing practice based massive open online communities of interest

This presentation aims to explore and question the challenges, motivations and benefits of staff and students participating in open online learning communities, as a casual observer and/or as an ac


Please see logo's attached - UAL - CLTAD: DIAL and the process.arts logo

Talking about the Enterprising Graduate: Beyond the Degree Show

UAL staff were given a tour around CSM Degree Show Two

Understanding digital domains in arts learning & teaching

The virtual learning environment (VLE) at University of the arts London (UAL) is quickly becoming an accepted norm for delivering the UAL online L&T experience, best practice examples provide c

Open Education Resource Project - help and tips with written research

Watch this video!

THis is a summary for my Open Education Resource project. I have created an OER on Instagram for supporting students writing their research projects.

Google Analytics for process.arts 2010 to 2013

Google Analytics for 2010 to 2013

OCWC Global 2014 DIAL presentation on

OCWC14 DIAL presentation on - DIAL – Developing digital literacies for Practice Based Massive Open Online C

The MakerSpace MOOC the perfect storm at Chelsea Jam

The MakerSpace MOOC project would partner/closely align with existing MakerSpaces, the arts sector & arts education to explore how a MOOC style learning approach could support virtual & phy

DIALOGUE 01: Share interesting and innovative approaches to Teaching and Learning

DIALOGUE is a series of events, conferences, lunch time meetings organized by the CCW Learning, Teaching and Enhancement (LTE) te