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Teaching development project

TDP Summary of Lothar Zhou

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Lothar Zhou video summary of teaching development plan unit.

how will the students creativity be affected by the inclusion of film in the tailoring workshop? H.Sproat

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a short film exploring the use of film in the Haute couture Tailoring workshops

TDP - Student engagement

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The project's focus is to increase student engagement with the unit Work Experience by changing the delivery of the weekly lectures.

TDP video summary Clio Wallington

Call open for Enterprise and Employability Curriculum Development Funding

UAL staff are now invited to apply for up to £5,000 from Student Enterprise and Employability (SEE) to

Project Video Summary

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2 minute video summary to accompany the TDP Assessment Element 2: Report & Summary

Teaching Development Project -Will reduction of tutor led support in the final year degree show exhibition task, for live events and television students, improve students’ engagement and attainment?

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Teachers who approach teaching in a student focused way ‘…..conceive teaching in terms of helping students to develop and change their conceptions and appro

TDP Video Summary

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Teaching Development Project Research Question: