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Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design

Using video for messages, information and personal tutorials

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technologi

Utilitarianism & the Art School in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Dr Malcolm Quinn

See video

Utilitarianism & the Art School in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Dr Malcolm Quinn

What's The Point Of Art School? The Highlights

See video

At a moment when art and design education is being potentially threatened at school level

Considering non-virtual elements of Open Education Practice

An extended post on the concept of Open Educational Practice and the key issues in the creation and reuse of Open Educational Resources

Draft programme of events and activities for Professional Online Identities project at CSM

A cross UAL collaboration project between,

Will using Prezi rather than Powerpoint improve student learning in Exhibition Studies?

Watch this video!

Digital summary of an action research project completed as work towards a postgraduate certificate for academic practice in art, design and communication

James Caddick PG CERT TDP

Watch this video!

TDP Project

Professional Online Identities project overview

UAL’s Digital Integration into Arts Learning (DIAL) project aims to carry out a small number of staff and student led projects and case studies, which will explore the pace of technological c

Skype at CSM: staff survey feedback

Historically Central Saint Martins has had a tricky relationship with Skype.

Meeting and survey notes for online identities project

The DIAL project met today with staff and students of the Performance Design and Practice course/subject area at Central Saint Martins.