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University of the Arts London

iTunes U OER for OEP unit

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This is a video summary of the OER I created as part of my Open Educational Practice unit. 

Open Educational Practice - OER summary video

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A short summary about the OER I created for students with a widening participation profile to give them more clarity around what is needed to build a styling portfolio.


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How do student self-assessments compare to tutor summative assessments and are students’ perceptions of self-assessment affected by involvement in the activity?

The research project explored whether student self-assessment and marking aligns with tutor summative assessments. In addition, Student perceptions of self-assessment were explored before and after carrying out a self-assessment activity, enabling students to comment on various aspects of self-assessment.

My findings indicate that most student participants awarded themselves a mark which was very close to the tutor awarded mark. Findings suggest that those students who assess themselves at a higher grade than the tutor awarded mark, do so by a far greater percentage variation than those whose self-assessments are close to the tutor assessment.

Trying Google Glass

On Thursday morning (17th July) Myself, Chris Follow (DIAL project Manager) and Grzesiek Sedek headed to the google glass basecamp in King Cross to try out the new google glass.

How Traffic Lights & Emojis Can Help Improve Student Attendance ; )

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A Teaching Development Project which aims to answer the question of 'how can nudge theory improve student attendance?'

20:20 project funding evaluation

For the 'Changing the Learning Landscape' online identities project successful applied for additional funding from arts temps

Google Glass and Wearable tech at UAL

As part of the wearable technology project and collaboration with DIAL my role is as project coordinator, you can see my previous proj

Proposal for online identities freshers stall

This proposal was submitted by Filip Bigos, Community Developer for the LCC COPYourself community.

Interview with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC.

See video

This interview was conducted with Karin Askham, Dean of Media at LCC, by COPYourself LCC Community Developer,

OEP project report