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Drupal UAL


Drupal UAL The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open source’ web environments and projects. Read more What is a Drupal? and on the drupal UAL forum.

Drupal drop-in sessions at WCA 24 May

Drupal drop-in session an opportunity for students and staff to talk with UAL Drupal web developers about drupal and open source web development.

DrupalCamp London 2013 - Robert Douglass Keynote

See video

DrupalCamp London 2013 - Robert Douglass Keynote

See more videos on DrupalCamp London -

Drupal UAL project update

The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open sourc

What is a Drupal?

To help explain what Drupal is, it may be helpful to understand what Drupal isn’t or what makes it different from other web software.

Stopping spam bots account requests Honeypot

See video

I had a problem with stopping spam bot account requests, hundreds weekly - I had removed comment or account requests from the sites but still got loads of spam. I had installed

Drupal drop-in sessions at LCC and LCF

As part of the DIAL project  and UAL Communities o

Banner files for Drupal UAL

Please see attached below Banner files including photoshop docs for Professional Online Identities project. 

About Drupal UAL

This project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal web environments

A Picture of the team

The Team are great

Drupal UAL drop-in sessions

As part of the DIAL project  and UAL Communities o