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Drupal UAL


Drupal UAL The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open source’ web environments and projects. Read more What is a Drupal? and on the drupal UAL forum.

DRUPALCON 2012 A vision for the future Drupal community growth

From the opening keynote yesterday by Dries Buytaert, the president of the Drupal Association and founder of Acquia, porbably the most active large Drupal company, emerged a clear vision for the gr

DRUPALCON 2012, Open source software and GPL 2

It's useful to remind ourselves, and to whoever works with Open Source Software, the role of GPL 2 llicense, which is the license Drupal u

Drupal Con Munich 2012 / An opportunity to enhance students' HE experience

I want to signal to the community the series of talks hosted at this year summer meeting of the Drupal community which are

process.arts drupal developers

Our process.arts drupal deveolpers (rear) Grzesiek Sedek (lead developer) Michele Durante (UAL student developer), working on NAM - - see how the process.a

DRUPAL CON 2012 Munich /**/ a possibibily for students to join the Drupal community

From 20 to 24 August this year, the Drupal community will gather in Munich.

Learn drupal - free online tutorials

Lots of great tutorials on FREE for UAL staff and students including drupal tutorials also see VTC training they have lots of free intor vide

Drupal UAL contacts/mailing list

UAL are forming a drupal UAL (open source web development) community, if you would like to be involved please leave your details and your brief background history

Drupal UAL web development cop

Drupal UAL: a new open source web development community of practice at UAL

Open Attribute Plugins for drupal

thumb image

The problem: Creative Commons licensed content is awesome, but attributing it properly can be difficult and confusing.

Drupal notes (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Images of screen grabs attached below (  

Drupal Architecture: Drupal, PHP, MySQL, Server (Apache), OS (Linux)