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Drupal UAL


Drupal UAL The project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal ‘open source’ web environments and projects. Read more What is a Drupal? and on the drupal UAL forum.

Firebug a powerful web development tool

The most popular and powerful web development tool   

Process.arts functionality requirements for an open practice platform

Below is a basic list of process.arts existing core functionality and additional functionality identified through site use for future development.

Drupal 7 - Create Slideshow inside nodes/articles

I want to give this a go - but I need to work out how to install

Error Notice on drupal 7: Undefined index: module in _field_info_prepare_instance_widget()

I have this warning that keeps showing up on my drupal 7 install - Notice: Undefined index: module in _field_info_p

list of Drupal distributions for Higher Education

to recap on the possible configuration for a drupal distro to come for UAL

this is the Open Academy distribution

ELMS Media Asset management

ELMS Media is the Asset management solution created for use with ELMS by the e-Learning Institute at Penn State.

Drupal 7 problem uploading images into a post

Watch this video!

I'm trying to set up in Drupal 7 an easy way of uploading images direct into a post using CK editor but the path to connect to images is missing and the path to save images to the server is inc

DRUPALCON 2012, HTML5 microdata

The new HTML5, a language used to build web pages, is being developed by the Web Consortium and it will enable machine to better understand the data contained in internet pages.

DRUPALCON 2012, Drupal and Academia: the necessity to mobilize and unite our forces

This is the follow up from the previous post on Drupal and the Academia

DRUPALCON 2012, the state of Drupal and Academia

From an informal discussion group today emerged the need for cohesion among departments, universities and the various individuals using Drupal.