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Open and Flexible Learning

open_and_flexible_learning.jpg This group aims to highlight the open practice of individuals and groups who share personal and professional practice online through participatory blogs and online community networks. Content (resources & ideas) are mostly unrestricted to access and freely downloadable for use and reuse, content is openly licensed using creative commons or similar.

Copyright issues | OER reuse | Open & Flexible Learning | SCORE | Open practice | MOOC

Open Education Week: Open Policy Intro (Cable Green)

See video

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UAL Research Online

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UAL Research Online is the online showcase of the research produced at University of the Arts London.

Inside Out: Linking OERs to professional development and knowledge management activities

The ALTO team are presenting two papers at the Manchester OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 2011 conference. interview recently attended the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC), a gathering of educators and professionals interested in the availability and application of free online college course

Process.arts presentation at the OER10 Clare College, Cambridge 2010

Chris Follows Process.arts presentation at the OER10 Clare College, Cambridge on Tuesday 23 March 2010 at 14.30