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The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.

The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.> Click on link or illustration to view and download .pdf >

the-best-way-to-get-his-final-cut-sequence-on-a-dvd1.pdf892.91 KB
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mfantich's picture

Hi Chris,

I uploaded pdf as many students asked for handouts to be able to download from web and print. I will unpack pdf and put up the web version bit later - very good advice :)

All the best,


cfollows's picture

Hi Mariana, really like your resources, I'm writing the below as part of my findings, do you agree or have comment?

Teachers may just have time to upload the PDF of their resource and no time to reproduce or convert these valuable resources into OER web/user friendly versions, e.g.  viewable and web searchable OERs so all sections can be easily viewed, discovered and copied in a single web page, in part (images or text sections) as well as in full. There is a growing ‘need/role’ for a culture of crowd source reuse development of OERs so the OER community builds on or converts PDF or text only OERs which have been developed by others, making the resource mutually beneficial (preferably contacting the author or acknowledging possible mutual interests for future collaborative 'crowd' production). In a way OERs become versioned and progressively 'improve/develop' by being live and open. 

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To the extent possible under law, mfantich has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software. .