CPD4HE is part of the JISC/HEA Open Educational Resources programme, which aims to make high quality educational resources freely available, easily discovered online and routinely re-used by learners and educators worldwide. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/calt/cpd4he/index
- to release open educational resources equivalent to 300 study hours, with a strong but not exclusive focus on the priority areas, Digital and Information Literacies and Discipline-Specific Teaching and Learning;
- to evaluate the resources, addressing their use in a variety of contexts;
- to develop and release guidance materials for potential users of the resources;
- to capture and disseminate the experiences of those who have used the resources;
- to conduct dissemination activities around the release of the resources.
The resources will cover ten broad topics:
- Designing and planning a teaching session
- Assessment and feedback to students
- Academic literacies
- Learning, Teaching and Technologies
- Relationships between teaching and research
- Quality
- Values in Higher Education
- Internationalising HE
- Skills in Higher Education
- Designing the curriculum

This Work, CPD4HE, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.