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CSM Materials Collection


Materials & Products Collection (Lower floor - CSM Library)

The Materials & Products collection features a wide range of frequently updated samples of innovation in materials technology including plastics, fabrics and sustainable materials.

Also featured as part of the Collection are research tools to enable further study of materials technology including suppliers' and manufacturers' catalogues, books, magazines and specialised online resources.

Access arrangements and enquiries about using and visiting the Collection should be sent to Jess Lertvilai c/o materials at

Materials & Products Collection on

The Materials & Products Collection is also featured on

A wide range of manufacturer and supplier resources associated with the Collection are available at artslondonmaterials

Information on Delicious includes links to textiles, plastics, fabrics, textiles and sustainable materials manufacturers.

Links include the location of samples available within the Materials & Products Collection (CSM Library) and samples available at the London College of Fashion (Materials Collection)

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, CSM Materials Collection, by jlertvilai are Reserved.