Learning studio workshop on digital tools and social media
As you may be aware, increasing staff confidence in the use of digital technologies is a key priority for the College next year.
So please come along to CSM's third Learning Studio on Monday 2 July and speak with colleagues who are already exploring and using various digital technologies and social media as part of their role in College.
Where: Staff Club, CSM, Kings Cross
When: 15:00 – 17:30 on Monday 2 July
The Learning Studio is a community of practice around learning technology use in Art and Design within UAL. It is open to anyone to join and participate, whatever your role or current use or experience of learning technologies.
On Monday 2 July from 3pm we are holding CSM’s third drop-in workshop on using digital technologies for learning and teaching. There will be a range of demos and hands-on activities, all aimed at non-expert users. The approach is very informal - just turn up at any time, for however long you like, and speak with colleagues about their experiences of using digital technologies over a glass of wine!
Our fabulous contributors include:
- The 4D Team: Vimeo & Dropbox demos...and more
- Tony Quinn: Digital recording and BA Ceramic Design
- Ricky Brawn: Bespoke video guides for the 3D workshop
- Angus Easton: More about Moodle
- Ollie Furlong: Open-source lecture capture
- Chris Follows: Digital literacy and the DIAL project
- John Jackson: How to create a podcast.
This is the third of a series of events that have taken place across the year. We would like to hear your ideas for future Learning Studio workshops, and invite all colleagues to participate and contribute. If you have any questions, please contact Jo Morrison
The Learning Studio Team at CSM
Read more about UAL learning studio events here - http://process.arts.ac.uk/category/project-groups/learning-studio

This Work, Learning studio workshop on digital tools and social media, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.