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DIALOGUE 01 & 02 Report & Feedback 29/03/15

DIALOGUE is a series of events, conferences, lunch time meetings organized by the CCW Learning, Teaching and Enhancement (LTE) team to promote, share, develop and support the delivery of excellent teaching across Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon.

Dialogue 01: Share 22/04/15

An opportunity for staff from the Academic and Technical teams to present and share interesting and innovative approaches to Teaching and Learning. Each programme from CCW has been invited to contribute to this event alongside the Technical and Library staff. There were 11 presentations involving 14 staff (9 academics, 1 technical, 3 library staff).

Attendance: 32 staff*
Feedback: 94% of staff scoring the event at 4 or 5
(5 being highest)
Suggestions for future events: 
Effective use of student feedback.
The integration of research and practice into teaching.
Supporting International Students.
More opportunity for CCW collaborations.



Dialogue 02: Digital Enhancement 22/04/15

Starting with a large focus group debate around CCW digital learning, teaching & practice. There were then breakout group discussions where staff can drop-in on specialist groups who will share their experiences of digital L&T, anything from MOOCs to Arduino. We were really please to also be joined by the Tate on Khan Academy team as well as Patricia Charlton from Creative Digital Solutions part of the BBC Make It Digital initiative. More images & details of the event here.

Attendance: 34 staff*
Feedback: 90% of staff scoring the event at 4 or 5
(5 being highest)
Suggestions for future events: 
More digital skills events for sharing tools / knowledge.
How digital environment help us to rethink the concept of “knowledge”?
Collaborative digital tool master workshops.
More case studies – from outside our institution.
Digi literacy; Digi identity


*Number of people who attended both events 20
Total number of attending staff across the day 46


Average: 3 (1 vote)
497 reads
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This Work, DIALOGUE 01 & 02 Report & Feedback 29/03/15 , by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.