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DIALOGUE 02: CCW Digital Enhancement staff development event

DIALOGUE 02: Digital Enhancement Group discussions around digital skills, online learning and digital MakerSpaces.

DIALOGUE is a series of events, conferences, lunch time meetings organized by the CCW Learning, Teaching and Enhancement (LTE) team to promote, share, develop and support the delivery of excellent teaching across Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon.

Wednesday 22nd April 2015 – Chelsea Banqueting Hall - 2pm – 4.15pm

To book on either or both sessions contact Nancy Buabeng  020 7514 9671

Digital Enhancement Programme

13:00 Networking Lunch

14:00 Introduction & Focus group discussions 

Discussion facilitators: Dave White, Nancy Buabeng, Chris Follows, David Webster

See DIALOGUE 02 Group Padlets

 14:55 Focus group summary, Tea break & DigiTell event set up

 15:15 DigiTell session:

 A number of small informal group discussions (similar to learning studio ) share projects & practice:

 Discussion groups:





Digital MakerSpace


Joanna Wild & Dr Patricia Charlton Creative Digital Solutions

Demo of the microbit being used in schools as part of the BBC Make It Digital work. Students designing and solving interesting problems using bits and bytes and wires.

Will Waterhouse

Grzesiek Sedek

Examples of how traditional artist workshop 3d making skills and new tech, arduino can be used in arts practice. Demo & conversation: Intro into learning about Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Galileo micro computer & Minibloq in arts practice and digital making.

Thanasis Velios

Open source software and the monopoly of commercial creative software (Adobe) in UAL


Online Learning & Teaching


Natasha Bonnelame & Camille Gajewski | Tate Khan Academy online  learning project 

Discussion about Tate on Khan Academy online learning project. Mika Suetake Chelsea Ma Fine Art student will also be joining us to share experiences of using the platform.

Ashleigh Pearson

Ameet Hindocha

A cross-disciplinary approach to teaching FE art foundation students where digital media forms part of a wider workflow incorporating ‘non-digital’ techniques to create more unique outcomes.


Developing Digital Skills


Ollie Furlong


Sharing experiences of integrating ‘live capture’ & video streaming into learning & Teaching at London College of Fashion (LCF)

Paul Thrippleton

Discussions around staff development and using online learning environments for skills development. OD&L

Marie Kelly & Lucy Wright

Chance to find out about the new Office 365 coming to all staff & students from June. OD&L

Isabella Tasseff-Elenkoff

Using the IPad in workshop environments as an archival tool and a research tool, lazer cutting and ceramics studio collaborations.

16:15: End

Learn more about CCW Digital Events

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, DIALOGUE 02: CCW Digital Enhancement staff development event, by cfollows are Reserved.