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Ben Terrett will chair a Digital Thinktank which considers our overall approach to Digital in the contexts of publishing; digital services; and learning and teaching.

All CCW staff & students are invited to contribute to this discussion and provide perspectives from CCW Camberwell, Chelsea & Wimbledon colleges of arts please contact or see CCW Digital Learning, Teaching & Enhancement to learn more.

About the Digital Thinktank:

The Digital Thinktank will comprise a core Steering Group of Ben Terrett, Jim Nottingham, Edward Venning, Frances Corner and Fred Deakin. Kerry Sullivan will act as Secretary of the Thinktank and provide logistical support to the Steering Group. 

The steering group will scope the project and ensure delivery. 

The Steering Group will meet as soon as possible to scope a timetable and methodology for the gathering and review of data and an agreed programme of deliverables to be launched in September 2015. The deliverables will consist of short actionable projects (including a UAL-wide coding club) which will be designed to test ideas with a view to developing a broad digital strategy for UAL over the course of the coming academic year. 

The Thinktank will include the Steering Group plus, initially, Marcus Saunders (LCF), Ben Stopher (LCC), Rebecca Ross (CSM), Chris Follows (CCW), David White (CLTAD), Dani Salvadori (Enterprise) and Helen Anderson (Recruitment). This initial Group will identify other potential staff members and student members. 

The Thinktank will operate in an open and transparent manner (including via a blog) and members of the Thinktank will engage with end users – students and colleagues across the University. 

The Steering Group will report to Executive Board on its proposed deliverables no later than September 2015. The drafting of the report of the Thinktank will be led by Ben Terrett, Jim Nottingham and Edward Venning with assistance from Kerry Sullivan.

Read more on Ben Terrett UAL blog.

Read more about: CCW Digital Learning, Teaching & Enhancement

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, DIGITAL THINKTANK , by Ben Terrett are Reserved.