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Digital Literacy in the Disciplines wiki

This is a workspace wiki to gather project information for sharing between participants and their communities. The intention is to

  1. surface common digital literacy issues (from a discipline perspective)
  2. support further development in the HE communities
  3. provide a source for enquiry on practices

This is a seachable resource - for example discover mobile technology practices or creating OERs using the search box alongside. Many projects provide further links to outputs and a reflection on their outcomes.

The Digital Literacy in the Disciplines programme in the Higher Education Academy has sought to explore the discipline-based issues in developing digital literacy. To do this funding was divided into three areas.

  1. Mini-projects: 8 small grants of ~£5k to establish nodes generating online interactive e-learning resources created by students. Many of these have established a change in practice in the local curriculum and offered new opportunities to develop staff and student digital literacies.
  2. Case studies: The Challenges of Residency [1]
  3. Micro-projects to establish a digital change within practice in an institution: This element of the funding was aligned with the Changing the Learning Landscape Programme. Each of the 12 workshops run under CLL in 2012-2013 invited small bids for providing digital innovations, enhancements or adoptions of practice within an institution - inevitably including a development or enhancement of digital literacy. To enable these to be managable with limited resources each project had a template-driven approach. There are 57 projects listed here.

This is also an open working wiki space to gather and discuss Digital Literacy outputs and outcomes from two project strands within the HEA. It also serves to share project details, outputs and outcomes to other project participants.

These collections are:

Both the above are situated within a discipline context and managed by practitioners engaged in teaching students at various levels within their discipline. These projects projects are running over the 2013-2014 academic year. Final outputs will be published in July 2014.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Digital Literacy in the Disciplines wiki, by cfollows are Reserved.