About UAL Changing the Learning Landscape Group
The Changing the Learning Landscape: Online identities group is a UAL CLTAD - DIAL project, part of the wider Changing the Learning Landscape groundbreaking partnership between the ALT, the HEA, Jisc, the NUS and the Leadership Foundation for HE.
Useful Links:
Brief for community developers here
Team at UAL: Here
Time Scale/Plan: Here
The CLL Communities at UAL:
CSM - CSM : press play is the community group set up at CSM by Kimberley Cunningham. CSM : press play has been set up as a community to 'discuss the challenges surrounding an online presence before or after graduating from UAL.' Their aim is that 'through workshopping and debates [they] will highlight what it is we need from UAL to be able to extend our practice into the online arena effectively.'
CSM : press play meets weekly at CSM room M303.
To see the write up from the first meeting of CSM ; press play click here.
'Let's no longer allow studying to be our pause, let's press play to our future.'
LCF - SENCE is the community group set up at LCF by Bowen Lee. The SENCE community is LCF's group exploring the issues raised byt eh 'changing the learnign landscape' online identities project. Meeting weekly at LCF John Prince Street canteen, they will discuss and debate issues relating to their online professional presence and how the unvisersity can help to teach, develop and promote this within its own communities.
'Join the LCF Sense Community, don't let your professional online presence get left behind!'
CCW - CCW ON POINT is the community group set up at CCW by Jheni Arboine. CCW ON POINT is CCW's group exploring online professional identites. Meeting at Chelsea Canteen each Friday, they will be discussing ideas relating to this project, and exploring how students from CCW feel they can present themselves whilst studing and after graduation.
LCC - COPYourself is the community group set up at LCC by Filip Bigos. 'COPYourself is a community of LCC students who explore and help UAL with the development of resources needed for our successful online promotion as entry level practitioners.' They will be exploring many issues concernign their online presence, asking questions such as; 'Do you feel you're supported by the university in terms of building your online presence? Are you clear about copyright issues within your industry? What challenges do you encounter when managing your professional and personal online presence?'
To see the write ups from this group vist Filips blog by clicking here.
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csm_press_play_-_meeting_1.docx | 15.47 KB |

This Work, About UAL Changing the Learning Landscape Group, by Joe Easeman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales license.