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Group Members and interests

2 replies [Last post]
cfollows's picture
Joined: 17 Sep 2009

Please add your Intro to the group below, please provide a small bio and some info about what your interests in this group are.

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avelios's picture
Joined: 13 Sep 2013
I have been using GNU/Linux

I have been using GNU/Linux for years, I have tried various distributions and am keen to try anything new that comes out. I do some java programming and some php and I have some more experience with programming for drupal.

I have strong views about software and why open source should be an essential part of teaching and learning in every domain.

I am happy to share experience and promote libre software in UAL.

cwebb's picture
Joined: 16 Feb 2012
Hi from Charlotte

I'm joining as an aspiring GNU/Linux user, and because I'm interested in how students engage with digital tech in their learning...