Libre open studio space at Chelsea
Please add your thoughts, support and ideas for the Libre open studio space at Chelsea
Please also send your name suggestions:
Libre open studio space at Chelsea
Libre open-source projects space
Libre studio at Chelsea arts
Having a libre space in Chelsea would be great. Chris, could you put together and cirlulate a list of steps to make this happen? I.e.:
- we need to get approval for the use of space by whoever needs to approve it,
- we need to notify IT to deactivate sockets in that room,
- we need to find wireless dongles for the computers etc.
"Formally" agreeing to help manage the space may be difficult at the moment. I was thinking that maybe this is too much of a first step, i.e. committing time, resources, fund-raising etc. I would find it difficult to be in the room on a regular basis, but I find it much easier to run specific workshops at pre-agreed times. The other thing is that most of the students/staff have their own laptops and we should focus on this fact for every day computing with Linux rather than to have to be in a specific space to use Linux.
Having said that, I think that having a space which we could use regularly for Libre "surgeries" is useful. I would suggest that we keep some machines with the UAL clone and only install open software on the rest. Then we will see the usage pattern and preferences. Also, it is perhaps easier to ask for some of the computers to be dedicated to open software than all of them in any room.
I think we should schedule another workshop for installing Linux on people's computers. Perhaps in A215. So ask them to backup files and convert to open file formats. Then come to the workshop to choose a distribution and install it on their laptops. So they come in with MacOSX or Windows and they leave with GNU flavours. We only need a small number of decisive users.
Never been to one of these, but let me know if I can be of any help.
Hey guys - I think we should avoid any terminology that the uninitiated might not recognise!? Do you think 'Libre' would make sense to people? I'm wondering about
Open source technology space
Open source technology lab
Maybe ask students at your event tonight Chris!?