IPR For Educational Environments - IPR Education
The free online Intellectual Property Rights for Educational Environments course is a HEFCE funded, and Higher Education Academy (HEA)/JISC managed, project created to introduce and build awareness of aspects of intellectual property rights and copyright.
The intended audience is primarily people in higher education designing online learning resources. These course materials are also appropriate for academics working in HE staff development.
The course is divided into three units each comprising a number of sessions. Each element of the course can either be used independently or as a part of a complete learning experience.
While the course primarily addresses IPR in the UK, the course materials can be adapted and re-used to represent IPR issues in non-UK countries.
See all units: HERE
Understanding of IPR - definitions and scope of application (Introduction and overview)
Unit 1 provides introductory information about IPR - information that introduces you to the key topics, issues and processes regarding IPR. The information in Unit 1 will allow you to identify what's required in your own project as well as providing you with an opportunity to reflect on your knowledge. You will find practical, "hands on" information, activities, scenarios, templates and resources to assist you in creating a framework to produce learning resources for an online educational environment.

This collection, IPR For Educational Environments - IPR Education, by Intellectual Property Rights For Educational Environments (IPR4EE) project of the University College Falmouth. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.