EGOER and IP-OER (case study example) in open arts practice
Relationships and tensions between teaching practice and OEP practice.
In this video I talk about EGOER (not worrying about being online, just go for it) & I give a breif example of an IP, IPR case study/experience
Cultural capital – OER can mean different things to different people, issues of quality, an OER can be anything from a simple comment to a full open online course. Make a move from the term OER to OEP (you share and discus your educational and/or professional practice online with others)
Also see: Full presentation SCORE presentation recording 31 May 2012, in this video I talk about my SCORE fellowship project I've been working on over the past year -
See - The Case for Appropriation - Rob Storr provides a clear introduction and overview of the historical and contemporary issues around artist and appropriation.
See the full video here- The Case for Appropriation, a panel moderated by Joy Garnett at the School of Visual Arts

To the extent possible under law, cfollows has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, EGOER and IP-OER (case study example) in open arts practice.
How to drop your ego and assert your essence identity (real I) Eckhart Tolle -
Are Thoughts The Source of Ego? - please watch -
Eckhart, Could you elaborate on ego versus healthy self-esteem? -
Did the universe make a mistake with the ego? -
Transactional Analysis 1: ego states & basic transactions - Great set of videos about EGO - -