Networked groups and cross college collaboration
DIAL successfully explored new ways of developing cross college collaborations, these new partnerships proved a valuable and sustainable method of the departmental embedding DLs long term.
Please see reflections on the DIAL collaboration from the Professional On-line Identities project (POI) collaborative work DIAL, SEE, OwnIT and Learn IT:
From Christine Kelly from Learn IT (Development and Learning):
“It has highlighted the benefits of pooling the talent and expertise within these teams, enhances this and future projects within the UAL and shares knowledge and expertise of each department.” Read more.
From Katie Mills from SEE, Student Enterprise and employability:
“Having produced this summary and reading through the impact and value of the project it really comes to light just how valuable it has been, particularly in testing new models for internal collaboration and in relation to our own team and staff’s awareness to the importance and valuable of digital skills and professional identities within our area of work. I really hope you get further support and funding to take this work forward and we/SEE are eager to remain involved and build on the great work done so far.” Read More.
From Silvia Baumgart - Own-it a UAL service for IPR:
“Overall in my experience is very difficult to engage students in the subject matter of IP but putting it in the context of digital identities make it more relevant to the students so it is a great way of making it accessible. Inserting it in the DIAL project has certainly created awareness amongst the students, who took part and it is more likely that they engage with the Own-It service when they need to later on.”
Following Learn IT collaboration with DIAL the newly formed Organisational Development and Learning department are now working in partnership with DIAL to adopt some of the DL training practices piloted by DIAL.
Anna Petts Head of UALs Organisational Development and Learning OD&L identified four areas to consider in taking DIAL forward, working in partnership with OD&L: - Read more.
Demonstrating value – raising the profile of DIAL through targeted learning provision, aligning Learn IT’s provision with relevant DIAL projects to create awareness and understanding, in particular how it supports and enables the student experience – one of three strategic priorities for UAL for 2013 – 14.
Scheduling and planning – OD&L are currently revising their approach to course enrolment and scheduling and there is an opportunity to align DIAL training to this to proactively promote training and engage staff with DIAL projects. OD&L to support with the scheduling of training, although recognising constraints with training space/resources.
Delivery of – instructor led training (ILT) has many benefits but there is potential in developing more innovative mediums such as social media and e-learning, to provide knowledge and skill in DIAL related technologies to help augment ILT delivery or replace it.
- Competencies – identifying and putting in place digital literacy competencies that clearly articulate the necessary blend of knowledge and skills required to support and engage with technologies, relevant to delivering the student experience and/or enable staff to confidently interact. A competency framework woven into recruitment, performance management and career development as well as other people practices could prove beneficial.

This Work, Networked groups and cross college collaboration, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.