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Mozilla Web Literacy Skills


Prepare people for participation and contribution in today’s (and tomorrow’s) digital society and global economy. Webmaking skills can set up an approach to life in general that fosters not only looking-under-the-hood, embracing failure, tinkering and remixing, but also participation, citizenship and action. These are not just life skills but ultimately a way of approaching life. For more please see What is webmaking? - .....

The Mozilla Learning team are defining a set of core web literacy skills and developing learning pathways for people to develop and hone these skills. Our goals are to develop and empower more webmakers by providing them with the opportunity to learn making by making. This work is leveraging all of the great momentum, tools and content built through Hackasaurus. -

They're building a generation of webmakers - see Wiki 

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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
This Work, Mozilla Web Literacy Skills, by Mozilla Web Literacy Skills is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.