The Objective Design Process with Mark Wells
Today we were treated to the first session of Mark Wells ‘The Objective Design Process’ training for the The Professional Online Identities project (POI project).
This session is designed to give you the skills to be able to constructively critique existing websites and use this knowledge to develop solutions of your own so that you can build a considered, planned and clear online identity. Everyday we use many websites, some give us a mediocre experience and some can be incredibly rewarding. The session will explore how to test websites through some basic usability testing and objectively talking about websites - good and bad. This will then be taken forward into planning and structuring your own website where we will explore what is appropriate for you as an individual and possible ways to achieve these goals.
There was a great mix of participants from central services staff, research staff from CSM, alumni student and POI project staff. We all had an in-depth overview of the design process including, the Rules of the design process, planning and user testing, where we reviewed some websites (Goldsmiths) and in groups we tested and reviewed examples of our own sites. We hope to run this training again soon and will try and hold this at a UAL college for students and staff.
Also see feedback from participants in comments and video links below:
Video 1 - Pedro was asked: What attracted you to this session? And What did you get from this session?
Video 2 - Professional web sills - compulsory or optional extra? And Should digital skills be assessed at the start of a course?
Video 3 - What do you think about your POI experience? And Anything else?
DIAL project (Video interview by Kaye Pryce)
Mark resources: Below are some of the resources that were referenced during the session, I hope you find them useful. If there are any others that you wish to share with us please let us know.
Presentation notes and slides can be viewed here.
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This workshop was very useful for anyone creating or responsible for web content. There was a good emphasis on knowing your audience and the different ways that people try to access information.
Definitely recommend this workshop for anyone responsible for a web presence of any kind!
Below are some of the resources that were referenced during the session, I hope you find them useful. If there are any others that you wish to share with us please let us know.
Additionally I hope that you should have received an email with the presentation notes.
I attended the objective design process workshop today and wanted to tell you that I found it really helpful. I am a CSM graduate, and very much appreciate any opportunities I find now to 'fill out' my education with the kind of really useful information provided in today's workshop.
During my degree, I tried to do many of the extra workshops and participate in as many extracurricular learning activities as I could, but my priority was, rightly, my degree work and my portfolio. This meant that although there was some information available, I was often too busy to attend other courses, and not entirely sure which ones were valuable to me. For me, and I suspect for many others, it was only after I knew about reactions to my final collection that I could take stock and plan what to do next. Then I became aware of the large gaps in my knowledge with regard to IT issues (among others, for ex. business issues). I would be grateful for more learning opportunities for alumni.
I think the POI training is a useful concept, especially to someone like me who is trying to sort out a my online, and really my business identity. I would like to do any training, and the Lego sessions sounded very much like exactly the type of thing I need at this point in my fledgling career, but unfortunately I wasn't able to participate. In the event the opportunity comes up again, please sign me up!