OER13 conference, Call for abstracts closes 31st Oct
OER13 26-27 March 2013 in Nottingham - www.oer13.org
With the title ‘Creating a Virtuous Circle’, this conference focuses on how we can build on the last ten years of investment in open educational resources and move to the creation of a virtuous circle of open educational practice. It’s about becoming a virtuous rather than a vicious circle and an open rather than a closed one.
OER13 is inviting abstracts for papers/posters within its three key themes of: Evidence - Experience - Expectation
We anticipate presentations which will share lessons learned to inform the feedback loop, stories of current activity to share good practice, and creative solutions to achieve greater emphasis on openness in education.
Booking are now open with the early-bird price of this two day conference including celebration reception and gala dinner just £167 (on-campus accommodation can be booked separately for under £50) .
We expect this to be an exciting programme which we hope that many will want to be part of.
Please share in your networks

To the extent possible under law, cfollows has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, OER13 conference, Call for abstracts closes 31st Oct.