Open Education at UAL - DIAL Project Groups
The Open Education at UAL is a UAL Project Group part of the work of two UAL projects DIAL and ALTO that are tasked with exploring and improving our ability to create and share open learning resources and to develop the skills and confidence in staff and students to work and collaborate in the digital world:
Open Educational at UAL updates can been viewed here:
Open Educational at UAL resources can been viewed here:
Project Aims:
- Let people know what to do and how to do OER at UAL
- Open at UAL baseline – what is it like now. unconnected, no overall strategy, variable resources and responsibilities, specialist.
- What it will be like, strategy and sustainable model, clear direction for UAL , Institutional shift ‘cultural change’
Project Outputs:
- Produce a handbook – ‘Getting started/how to do Open Education at UAL’ including: Teaching resources, Individual and institutional recommendations for the future and a open education sustainability plan for UAL.

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