Professional Online Identities - Learn-IT
Professional Online Identities - Learn-IT
Learn-it is collaborating with the DIAL project and will be delivering digital technology courses with the Professional Online Identity Project.
The role of Learn-it will be to support staff in the application of digital technologies. The tools, which they will offer within this project, are to be driven by the outcome of the initial research and needs of a cohort of staff and students. They have identified their main need to be able to:
· Build their own online spaces and networks
· Improve their visibility online
Learn-it in collaboration with the DIAL Project intends to offer training on open source and industry tools. The academic staff will be offered the training and if they chose, will then be able to collaborate, adapt and inject their own creativity into the training. The cohort of students, will also be offered the training, whilst being supported by the tutors and Learn-it. Learn-it intends to deliver the courses in a blended way.
Learn-it feel passionately, that now is the time for staff and students to have equal access to a space, to allow for experimentation with digital technologies. The training must offer a place for creativity, collaboration and communication, along side the need for individuals safety, legal and ethical use of digital technology. Students need to have the theoretical knowledge of working online, together with the freedom to pick the tools, that best suit their professional online identity now and when they leave university.

This Work, Professional Online Identities - Learn-IT , by Chrissy Kelly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.