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SCORE on process.arts


SCORE fellows on process.arts. SCORE is due to end in June/July 2012 and we have created this section on process.arts to try and publish, share continue some of the research strands beyond SCORE. If your a SCORE fellow and would like to join this network please create an account here - - add SCORE tag to all posts to appear in related items to the right.

SCORE is based at the Open University and funded by HEFCE as a three year project (2009-2012) to support individuals, projects, institutions and programmes across the higher education sector in England as they engage with creating, sharing and using open educational resources (OER) -



Chris Follows

Exploring collaborative use and re-use of OER rich media resources in art & design

Content on process.arts -

OER reuse research -

University of the Arts London -



Sarah Atkinson

i-mpact: Interactive resource for Media Professionals and Academics Collaborating

Content on process.arts -

OER research -

University of Brighton -

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, SCORE on process.arts, by SCORE fellows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.