Social Media at UAL
On Monday 10 December I attended a Social Media Workshop at London College of Fashion by Claire Tomlins (PhD, CSM, 2010) who talked about where social media is being applied in corporate branding, something I was not to familiar with and it was refreshing to hear a sector/college/subject specific debate, and not overly corporate.
There was also a presentation from Cemanthe Harries founder of New Media Angels (who's work is very much like a digital steward), who provides social media training to businesses., Cemanthe gave a non-academic outlook on the subject addressing the differences she has found between traditional advertising and social media advertising. Everyone in the room found this fascinating and useful insight into real world practices, students commented that this is what they would like to see more of in future workshops.
There was an interesting mix of Staff, students, PhD, MA students and researchers. its not the first social media event I've been to at UAL and I've also had lots of conversations with individuals throughout UAL. At the end of this session the group talked about forming a LCF/UAL social media group, there was no real conclusion for how we could do this so through DIAL I offered to create a social media group on process.arts to try and bring all these different social media groups together please see and contribute to the new Social Media at UAL group here -
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Attention social media researchers, MA and PhD students, from across UAL are invited to take part in a lively workshop with the objective being to form a UAL group specialising in social media.
With increasing social media application and interest in academic and business, this workshop will consider the following questions:
- What is social media to you?
- Which social media platforms are you researching?
- Which platforms do you find most relevant in art and design?
- Where social media is useful in the research process.
There will be a presentation from Cemanthe Harries founder of New Media Angels, who provides social media training to businesses. will provide a non-academic outlook on the subject addressing the differences she has found between traditional advertising and social media advertising.
Claire Tomlins (PhD, CSM, 2010) will talk on where social media is being applied in corporate branding.
Researchers will present their research interests and topic for 5 minutes.
There will then be an hour of lively discussion on key subject areas found within the first hour of presentations.
Students, staff and researchers from across the University are welcome, however space is limited to 25 places. Please RSVP to Luella Allen (

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