Virtual Reality Workshop 27th April 2016
This event was part of the planning for the ‘CCW Digital Maker Week’ 16th to 20th May 2016, specifically the VR Day on 18th May.
This workshop will seek to consider and respond to the recent re-emergence of Virtual Reality technology. We will begin by re-visiting the historical and technical contexts of the technology by looking at previous work. We will then work together to share our knowledge, our ambitions and interests in the technology through a series of workshop activities. Finally we will propose and design a virtual space that will attempt to encapsulate our thoughts in the form of a consensual ‘memory palace’.
This virtual space will be created for presentation and discussion at a special VR event in May to communicate individual and group ambitions for future exploration.
Workshop Organiser: Peter Maloney, Senior Lecturer, Interior and Spatial Design A216 Chelsea - CCW Digital Projects Space
Virtual Reality Workshop 27th April 2016 - 10am to 1pm
Workshop Organiser: Peter Maloney, Senior Lecturer, Interior and Spatial Design
A216 Chelsea - CCW Digital Projects Space

This Work, Virtual Reality Workshop 27th April 2016, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.