What is a MOOC?
Written and Narrated by Dave Cormier
Video by Neal Gillis
Researchers: Dave Cormier, Alexander McAuley, George Siemens, Bonnie Stewart
Created through funding received by the University of Prince Edward Island through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's "Knowledge Synthesis Grants on the Digital Economy"
Also see artsmooc - http://www.artsmooc.org/
This initiative aims to attract collaboration from across the sector, including individuals, organisations and collectives from educators, practitioners & the creative Industries, read more here: http://www.artsmooc.org/
Artsmooc aims to grow a unique ‘hands on’ research and development network of interested and specialist practitioners, affiliate partners who explore and collaborate together on new models of open pedagogy delivery, through practice based Arts Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs.
The venture aims to explore the collaborative potential of developing and delivering a new sustainable model for accessible arts learning and practice. By partnering with arts support networks and initiatives together with new technological innovation we aim to collectively create an independent and inclusive hybrid open physical and virtual arts learning environment which supports a new dynamic and diverse arts community, with a strong emphasis back on openness and collaboration.
If you are interested in being involved please join artsmooc or email info@artsmooc.org
Old School New School: How it Works
The artsmooc community will build on the progress and innovations of the past ten years in open educational practice and in the original principles of ‘cMOOCs’, based on connectivism, and its four principles – autonomy, diversity, connectedness and openness.
MOOC Image below: Every letter negotiable Some rights reserved by mathplourde

This Work, What is a MOOC? , by Dave Cormier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.