Massive open online courses and online distance learning: review
We're really pleased to read an indirect mention to process.arts in the recent UK government 'Massive open online courses and online distance learning: review'. John Casey's, (UALs UKOER programme ALTO project manager) blog reflections on CSM Digital Present were referenced in the review. The original blog/paper linked to in the review includes the following reference:
"However, we can see some exciting developments, here at the UAL and elsewhere in open arts education. The gradual development of the Process.Arts community web site at the UAL represents a grass roots move towards a more open mode of practice and acts like an informal space for collaboration in the world of the UAL that is reaching out increasingly to other online arts communities. Meanwhile the UAL ALTO projects are learning more about digital resource management and developing policy to support these activities as well as developing some practical solutions to the learning design tool problems identified above. At Coventry School of Art and Design, who are working with the UAL on planning further open education collaborations, there are also some daring experiments in teaching ‘in the open’ with undergraduate open online classes in Creative Activism and Photography. The future of open arts education is going to be interesting."
This Government report provides an overview of recent reports, writings and opinion on massive open online courses (MOOCs). BIS research paper number 130
This report updates our knowledge on the development and impact of massive open online courses on learners and institutions at further education and higher education level. The study assessed available literature from various sources, including academic research articles and formal comprehensive reviews; blog posts; commentary and journalistic coverage. It concludes that massive open online courses are likely to become a standard element of university education with new teaching and learning methods that provide revenue and lower costs. A major challenge is finding suitable business models.
Ref: BIS/13/1173PDF, 1.93MB, 123 pages

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Its an amazing post!! Online Art Classes is the best way to learn arts with comfort. These classes give all kind of technical as well as literature knowledge.