This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

The Internet Archive

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Great resource recommended to me by sgonzalez my first search came up with a good video lecture on CC and open content - http://www.archive

Creative Choices

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Creative Choices is dedicated to helping you develop your career in the creative and cultural industries.

Creative & Cultural Skills

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Each sector skills council represents a number of related industries.

Green Printmaking outdoor

Outdoor printmaking inspired by the English coast.

How to print without leaving a "mark" in the environment...and feel good!

Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities

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How can sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities? How can industry and educational institutions collaborate around Open Education Resources?

#ALTO-COMP competition participants

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Please see list of the ALTO competition entries in no particular order. (see below)

Well done everyone, amazing!


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bread (final)

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Sand Casting - INTRODUCTION Philip White & jenny dunseath

See video

Introduction for Sand Casting Process with Philip White and Jenny Dunseath in the foundry at Camberwell college of Art London.

Window Final Submission

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A reflextion on the need of creativity (represented as the solitary person) to be shown and shared through the figure of the street window.

bread (process)

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