This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

Action Research @ The Language Centre

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Action Research at the Langua

Paul McCarthy: "Captain Ballsack" | "Exclusive" | Art21

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Episode #143: Filmed in his Los Angeles studio, artist Paul McCarthy and production manager Amy Baumann describe the nearly decade-long, organic process behind the sculpture "Captain Ballsack" (2

art21 contemporary art & artist interviews

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Over the past decade, Art21 has established itself as the preeminent chronicler of contemporary art and artists through its Peabody Award-winning biennial tele

Test example post

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'Google Code Playground' offers a good training 'gym' for web coding

very very useful page filled up with web codes.


NEW process.arts - upgrade under development

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Here's a quick peek at the direction the new layout (rough designs) of process.arts is taking, the ALTO project is funding a timely and much needed upgrade of process.arts which is currently underw

Feedback notes from Enterprise week ‘Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities’

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Had a really enjoyable and fruitful discussion with students, alumni and industry members at this event, about 35 people in total, the talk was part of Enterprise week at UAL, there was lots of int

Student Enterprise & Employability Service (SEE)

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There are some exciting changes taking place in the Careers and Enterprise service.

DIAL links

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We are in the process of creating an online forum/website home for DIAL, we are planing to take advantage of existing frameworks and developments to host and build this space using drupal, mor

Culture Capital, defining digital identity & practice


Watch this video!

We had the prize giving tonight for the #ALTO-COMP, thank you everyone who took part in the competition and well done and many congratulations to the WINNERS:

OER Video remix ideas for collaborative and open video editing


Video editing software list:


open source video editing:

