This site has reached End of Life and will be taken down and removed on 01 Feb 2021.
It is strongly recommended that any material you would like to retain is downloaded before this date.

About the UAL ArtsBox Service

UAL has its own in-house file ‘dropbox’ facility ArtsBox which  allows staff to transfer large files to and from the university, without h

What do you think about your POI experience 3-3?

Watch this video!

In this video 3 of 3 Pedro reflects on his experience in taking part in the 

Film Manifestos Open Educational Resource

I'm taking the CLTAD unit, Open Educational Practice and have created this Learning Resource for my project, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Toned Paper: Lesson 3

Watch this video!

Lesson 3. How toned paper can be used to provide the mid-tone in a drawing, which records where light and shade fall as a means of picturing an object.

Copyright and IPR for CSM staff and POI project team (STAFF ONLY EVENT)

The Professional Online Identities project see overview will identify and develop specific digital li

The value of free software to education - an introduction to GNU/Linux

Some information about a forthcoming event at Ligatus can be found here.

Malika Kraamer

Ghanaian Fashion and the interplay between African and National notions of heritage   Malika Kraamer De Montfort University,

About Drupal UAL

This project aims to encourage and develop a new open support network for UAL staff and students to explore, experiment and share ideas and knowledge of using and developing Drupal web environments

first minute

Inspirational Websites and Blogs

There are many great blogs and websites that collate good film, video, design and animation - here are a few of my favorites:
