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Process Arts Audio recording Presentation EduCampLondon 2010 CSM

Reviews of the day:


Branding & Identity: Key Words

thumb image

Key Words Cards Insert

The appropriation artist

The use and reuse of rich media is familiar territory for artists and a fundamental part of arts practice, below are some recent examples of artist appearing in high profile court cases defending t

Co-editing experiment

See video

This video demonstrates a really low tech, quick demonstration/example/experiment of how an editor and a content producer could save time and edit together without having to be in the same space, l

Drawing and Longing: Proposal for Drawing as Paratext


Developing Apps for iPhone & iPad: A Free Stanford Course

thumb image - Looking to design apps for the iPhone or iPad? Stanford University now has a course online that will help you do just that.

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities

Embed, don't Bolt-on: promoting OER use in UK universities (full recording of panel session)

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS)

Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) Free Image sharing site, a place to find images.

Unlimited access to online training for staff and students with

Library Services is pleased to let you know that the University has renewed it’s subscription for a campus licence to for a further year.

Disc Sander demonstration

Watch this video!

Disc Sander

This video shows some common uses of the disc sander, and the best ways of using it safely. (view QT link below for viewing on Apple mobile devices)
