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Learning Studio

Learning Studio Event at LCF

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Learning Studio Event at LCF - Tuesday 7th February 16:30-18:30 Room 105 John Princes St

Learning studio ALTO & DIAL

See video

In this video Chris Follows introduces an overview of JISC funded projects at UAL including  ALTO and the new DIAL project (all links below)  Chris joins the Learning Studio group 15/11/1

Feedback from the first CCW learning studio event

Watch this video!

We held the first learning studio at a CCW on Friday and received a great response from all the 20+ staff, students and sector attendees who took part.

Learning Studio Workshop in using Digital & Social Media for Teaching and Learning, June 7th

What: Learning Studio Workshop in using Digital and Social Media for Teaching and Learning

Where: Room M401, on the 4th floor of  the Media Block, London College of Communication

Camberwell My Digital Life Workshop

See video

Back in November, My Digital Life held a digital bar camp at Camberwell College, inviting participants to speak about their digital lives.

Learning Studio Event at LCF

Tuesday 7th February 16:30-18:30 Room 105 John Princes St, the DIAL: Digital Integration into Arts Learning, a two year JISC funded project at UAL.

Learning Studio at Camberwell College of Arts 2nd October 12 to 3pm

DIAL learning Studio event at Camberwell College of Arts.

Camberwell Learning Studio Event 'Online Identities' (including Google Glass Demo): Call for participation

DIAL are planning a learning Studio event at Camberwell College of Arts - date TBC (11:30am to 2pm - D

About the Learning Studio

The Learning Studio (LS) an existing University-wide initiative is intended as a space where staff can learn together