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Wimbledon College of Art

What Is Animation?

The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.

The best way to get Final Cut project sequence on a DVD using Compressor and DVD Studio Pro Software.

Studio Crits Performance and Ceramics

Watch this video!

Short clip of group studio critique from Wimbledon College of Foundation showing a Fine art crit of a Performance and Ceramics crit.

list of Drupal distributions for Higher Education

to recap on the possible configuration for a drupal distro to come for UAL

this is the Open Academy distribution

Generating Graphics Using a Reluctant Office PC Running MS Word

This post explains how you can get some basic graphics into your blog posts without any vector graphics or Photoshop programmes using a reluctant and unhelpful PC.

DRUPALCON 2012, Open source software and GPL 2

It's useful to remind ourselves, and to whoever works with Open Source Software, the role of GPL 2 llicense, which is the license Drupal u

DRUPALCON 2012, Drupal and Academia: the necessity to mobilize and unite our forces

This is the follow up from the previous post on Drupal and the Academia

How Can Conceptual Thresholds And Outcome-Based Teaching Improve Software Learning?

Watch this video!

The main intervention described in this report was directed at my film editing software induction course and implemented ‘constructive alignment’ to practice.

Slipcasting tutorial (virtual editing experiment)

See video

Final edit of a three stage virtual editing experiment, how to co-edit a learning video without being in the same room as the video editor.

Stopframe software

Below text is taken from an internal email, I thought it was good bit of advice and general information that could be shared.