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Web development

EGOER and open practice identities Abstract and Full Paper

OER13 Abstract: In this presentation Chris Follows with discuss the benefits and challenges of developing an open practice identity (OPI).

Draft programme of events and activities for Professional Online Identities project at CSM

A cross UAL collaboration project between,

list of Drupal distributions for Higher Education

to recap on the possible configuration for a drupal distro to come for UAL

this is the Open Academy distribution

Open UAL badges DIAL pilot design project

The DIAL project has proposed the following design brief for a student designer from the new 20:20 Design funding call an ArtsTemps funded project, aimed at offering more internal design oppor

Templates - drupal

thumb image

Templates additional code PHP - Admin - content management - content templates (Create templates to customize output of teaser and body content) - Edit template

DRUPALCON 2012, Open source software and GPL 2

It's useful to remind ourselves, and to whoever works with Open Source Software, the role of GPL 2 llicense, which is the license Drupal u

Web coding with Freeformers at LCC

DIAL and SEE met with and looked at possible collaborations

DRUPALCON 2012, Drupal and Academia: the necessity to mobilize and unite our forces

This is the follow up from the previous post on Drupal and the Academia

Drupal notes (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Images of screen grabs attached below (  

Drupal Architecture: Drupal, PHP, MySQL, Server (Apache), OS (Linux)

Bring Your Own Environment BYOE

People like to do things their own way and when it comes to being online the same can apply.