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Tate Exchange

Open Education, UAL and the Tate Gallery

I was invited to the Tate this week to talk with some Tate staff about the open education work I’ve been doing over the past few years at UAL as well as other related work. 

Learning as arts practice, your a MOOC!

At the recent launch event for the new Tate Research Centre: Learning, the Director Tate Modern Chris Dercon comment

CCW Digital delighted to be part of Tate Exchange

CCW Digital learning, teaching & enhancement are delighted to be part of @Tate Exchange, an exciting new project at

Call for submissions: MozEx art exhibit

MozEx is an art exhibition with a 21st-century twist.

Tate Exchange opening night & an open call to be part Digital Maker Collective 2017 events at Tate

The Tate Exchange finally opened its doors on the 28th September and UAL Digital Maker Collective are really

Gravity Sketch Oculus Rift virtual reality and Imperial College Advanced Hackspace at the Tate

See video

Tate Britain education team hosted a really interesting ‘Digital Artists show and tell’ event in the

CCW Digital Maker Collective and the Tate Exchange

It was a fantastic launch party last night at the new Tate Modern, there’s clearly a great sense of excitement and new beginnings in how we participate and experience the arts.  

DIAL Tate Britain presentation 13th May 2014

A Community Based Approach to Developing Digital Literacies and Open Education at UAL. DIAL Tate Britain presentation 13th May 2014

What’s Happening Week 16-20 Jan 2017

Digital maker Collective have a very busy week next week so please try and get involved as much as you can.

Tate Exchange Unconference: Digital Making in Arts Curriculum, Practice and Careers

This two day Unconference provides an opportunity for staff, students, sector and industry to discuss and explore the impacts and challenges of new technologies on art, design and perform