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Annealing (softening) Aluminium Plate


Art Featured and links

Art Featured Archive

Art Featured:

Artists' Laboratory 02: The Back Story by Professor Stephen Farthing

See video

2010/2011 CCW Graduate School Lectures -- No. 2

Life Drawing - Laurence Noga - Wimbledon foundation 2010/11

Watch this video!

Short video clip during a Life Drawing class by Laurence Noga at Wimbledon foundation September 2010/11

1. Preparing and Cutting your Wood - STRETCHER MAKING WORKSHEET part 1

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1. Preparing and Cutting your Wood

You will need:
4 lengths of 'prepared' 2x1 (6 if your stretcher is larger than 1m squared)

2. Assembling and Gluing your Stretcher - STRETCHER MAKING WORKSHEET part 2

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2. Assembling and Gluing your Stretcher

You will need:
Wood glue
Small nails

3. Stretching your Canvas - STRETCHER MAKING WORKSHEET part 3

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3. Stretching your Canvas

You will need:
Staple guns and staples

4. Sizing and Priming your canvas - STRETCHER MAKING WORKSHEET part 4

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4. Sizing and Priming your canvas

You will need:
PVA diluted in a ratio of 1:5 with water

Victoria Beaton Tech Arts 2009

Watch this video!

Wimbledon Technical Arts student Victoria Beaton

talking about her final degree show piece for her show in 2009

See related videos: