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Learning studio ALTO & DIAL

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In this video Chris Follows introduces an overview of JISC funded projects at UAL including  ALTO and the new DIAL project (all links below)  Chris joins the Learning Studio group 15/11/1


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Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities: 14/11/11, 12 - 1.30pm, Room 202, High Holborn.

Creative Choices

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Creative Choices is dedicated to helping you develop your career in the creative and cultural industries.

Creative & Cultural Skills

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Each sector skills council represents a number of related industries.

Sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities

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How can sharing knowledge improve and develop professional identities? How can industry and educational institutions collaborate around Open Education Resources?

Examples of staff content

Below are a few examples of staff who have used and uploaded content on to process.arts, most have contributed as part of their everyday practice others have received funding to develop some learni

Did Hans Namuth Kill Jackson Pollock?

See video

In 2006 held a Symposia : Did Hans Namuth Kill Jackson Pollock?

Find creative commons images with

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This site searches CC Flicker images you can use in your practice, this site specialises in finding creative commons images, have a go and please let us know what you think and how you used it, is

A new approach to vocational learning

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Lots of interesting debates to have at the St Bride Print library conference, more details can be found, here's a couple I have my eye on : 

Using Prezi in process.arts

Using Prezi in process.arts, how can we easily embed Prezi presentations in content (I've used the Embed code and changed the imput format but not ideal)