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Research & practice

Artists' Laboratory 02: The Back Story by Professor Stephen Farthing

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2010/2011 CCW Graduate School Lectures -- No. 2

Introduction, Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL

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A brief overview of current Innovative approaches in open educational practice at UAL by Chris Follows, university of the arts London (ALTO and SCORE).

James O'Leary disusses drawing from drawing at The British Museum

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Postgraduate art students and UAL faculty had the opportunity to study and take

Jorum L&T Competition Sand Casting videos short-listed

We are very pleased to announce the Sand casting Core experiment videos  have been short-listed as finalists in Jorum Teaching & Learning Competition (see videos on process.arts here

Practising Open Education

The Practising Open Education project (see

The Practice Exchange

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The Practice Exchange is a year long series of seminars exploring practice-led art a

Alison Knowles Q & A

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In the early Sixties Alison Knowles composed the Notations book of experimental composition with John Cage as well as Coeurs Volants, a print with Marcel Duchamp, both were published by Somethin

ALTO and the benefits of putting learning resources online

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In this video Stephen Farthing Rootstein Hopkins Research Chair of Drawing at the university of Arts London gives is reactions to the idea of sharing learning resources and the ALTO project.

Introduction to ALTO and process.arts at #ocwcglobal

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In this video John Casey and Chris Follows from the University of the arts London discuss the Arts Learn

Teaching Development Project: Leila Miller - BA Fashion Photography at LCF

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Leila Miller, Fashion Photography tutor at London College of fashion, talks about her recent Teaching Development Project.