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Web development

Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities

Creating a student led course/website for developing Creative Online Identities

Creative online identities project

Develop an online/offline open interest group and sustainable learning environments for supporting, training and developing ‘Creative Online Identities’.

Artsmooc introduction

Watch this video!

Artsmooc introduction, artsmooc provides innovative support and advice in the development of arts practice based MOOCs


How to Host a Live Webinar Using Google Plus for Free

See video

We wanted to share what we learned about how to host a live webinar for free using Google+ Hangouts.

Bring Your Own Environment BYOE

People like to do things their own way and when it comes to being online the same can apply.

Slides for GNU/Linux Alternative apps, Backing up and choosing distro

Please see attached the presentation slides from the last event discussing alternative and open source software here:

Talking about online and offline Communities of Practice for the Creative Online Identities course

Watch this video!

Talking about online and offline Communities of Practice for the Creative Online Identities course with PDP students from Central Saint Martins UAL.

I'm a young person and I'm terrified of the internet, do not make assumptions

Watch this video!

Students and young people know how to use the internet and make websites, they don't need help, I'm a young person and I'm terrified of the internet, do not make assumptions, I need tha

Developing Practice Based Arts Massive Open Online Learning Communities - UAL Learning & Teaching Day 2014

UAL Learning & Teaching Day 2014 - Developing Practice Based Arts Massive Open Online Learning Communities UAL Learning & Teaching Day 2014

DIAL at OER14 Conference paper - Developing Practice Based Massive Open Online Communities of Interest

OER14: building communities of open practice The