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Enterprise and employability in the curriculum

The Art of Enterprise and Employability in Art and Design HE. A space for learning and teaching development and staff and students to share ideas and support practice in embedding enterprise and employability practice within the curriculum. You can add comments or anyone can create an account & contribute to the group.

Image above - CC BY NC ND By marrren

CCW Fine Art on Careers and Employability in the Curriculum

CCW Fine Art Enterprise & Employability Discussion 29.06.15

SEE Curriculum Development Funded Project: Look At The (E)state We're In (LATEWI)

Conceived as a 'live teaching' experiment and 100% developed and delivered by students from Camberwell, Chelsea, and Wimbledon Colleges, Look At The (E)state We're In (LATEWI) was a res

Teaching as Creative Practice Symposium: Resources from the day

University of the Arts (UAL) symposium explored the relationship between creative practice, creative teaching and teacher identity.


Employability Scaffold Workshop (UAL Colleagues) 2 June 2015

This June, scholar Fiona Peterson (Deputy Dean of Learning & Teaching for the School of Media and Communication at RMIT

SEE funded Pilot Project Workshop with Dutch artist Tiong Ang

This workshop was a successful recipient of the SEE Pilot Project Fund in November 2014.

FLΔG Collective: Praxis between the educational turn and the art school

FLΔG Collective has published an article for the journal ADCHE (Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education) which draws on the SEE Curriculum Development Funded Projec

Employability and entrepreneurship: how are these affecting curricula, student expectations and student experiences?

The GLAD (Group for Learning in Art and Design)  Conference on 27th of February 2015  was held at Sheffield Hallam University with the theme of 'Controversy and Conformity: 25  y

Teaching as Creative Practice Symposium 22 April 2015

Exploring the relationship between creative practice, creative teaching and teacher identity.

Talking about employability stats

Let’s talk about employability stats A staff workshop to look at DLHE data (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education).

Why do we teach intellectual property at UAL?

See video

OHIM* visited UAL to find out more about