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Letting go of what you know: Co-designing Enterprise Activities

Students are annoying when they take

Teaching and Learning Fund 2016/17

The Teaching and Learning Exchange is excited to announce its 2016-17 funding round.

Creative Attributes Framework

The Teaching and Learning Exchange is delighted to announce the launch of UAL’s new

Talking about Employability and DLHE data in 2016

UAL Pilot: Creative Attributes Framework for Enterprise and Employability

Creative Attributes Framework explains how enterprise and employability learning forms a core part of the curriculum in arts, design and media degrees at University of the Arts London (UAL).

SEE Curriculum Development Funded Project: Access Through Tools

Awarded SEE curriculum development funding in September 2014, a team of students, tutors and technicians from LCC's School of Design came together to curate and deliver a program

SEE funded Pilot Project Workshop with Dutch artist Tiong Ang

This workshop was a successful recipient of the SEE Pilot Project Fund in November 2014.

FLΔG Collective: Praxis between the educational turn and the art school

FLΔG Collective has published an article for the journal ADCHE (Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education) which draws on the SEE Curriculum Development Funded Projec

Employability and entrepreneurship: how are these affecting curricula, student expectations and student experiences?

The GLAD (Group for Learning in Art and Design)  Conference on 27th of February 2015  was held at Sheffield Hallam University with the theme of 'Controversy and Conformity: 25  y

Developing Enterprise Skills in Art and Design HE: Case Study

Graduates need the skills, capabilities and attributes to enable them to be successful in an ever changing global economic environment.