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Alicia use of Digital in creative & educational practice

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The use of Digital in creative & educational practice, in this video Alicia answers questions for the DIAL Impact survey. This survey has been developed with students and is being used by students to gather and evaluate the impacts of digital of art and design education at UAL. To enhance and build on DIAL student engagement and communication we commissioned a student rep/researcher, who helps communicate student perceptions and needs, these interviews are by DIAL student researcher Denisa Dumitrescu, see more details below. For all new videos see DIAL Vox Pox where they will be uploaded weekly.

See First results of Survey: Here

All DIAL Researcher content to date: Here


Impact study: The use of “digital” in creative & educational practice

Q1 Are you studying full-time or part-time?

Q2 What’s your level of study?

Q3 What is your year of study?

Q4 Which subject are you studying?

Q5 Which of the following describes you best?

  • I love new technologies and am among the first to experiment with / use them
  • I use new technologies because my course requires me to
  • I use new technologies because it will enhance job opportunities
  • I use new technologies because it will enhance my creative practice
  • I am usually one of the last people I know to use new technologies
  • I am skeptical of new technologies and use them only when I have to

Q6 When learning about technology, which method(s) work best for you?­­­

Q7 Which digital tools / technologies do you currently use for personal use and creative / educational practice? (mobile device, website etc)

Q8 Which social media services/ network do you currently use for educational / professional use?

Q9 Which key digital skills do you think a graduate from your course will need by the time they leave UAL?

Q10 What will I see if I searched online for your name, specialism / practice and how would a      prospective employer see this?

Q11 What support do you need in creating a professional online profile? e.g. presentation skills, building online communities / web spaces, copyright and Intellectual Property etc.

Q12 When is the best time to offer student’s support?

  • At the beginning of their course
  • As a compulsory As a compulsory, timetabled part of their course
  • As an elective part of their course
  • Just before they graduate

The DIAL researcher helps with evaluation, video documentation/interviews, devising and delivering student and to create more meaningful student engagement through student social media channels, DIAL students will be developing the DIAL Facebook next term, Autumn 13.

DIAL ambassadors: DIAL recently received funding from the HEA, changing the Learning Landscape <workshop> project funding. DIAL will commission ‘digital DIALogue’ student (renamed as DIAL ambassadors) for UAL over a period of two months (October & November 2013, reporting in December via project manager). The DIAL ambassadors will work closely with the UAL DAIL team to gain skills and knowledge to support and encourage other students to explore the wealth of online DIAL project resources and groups created over the time of the project. With the one-to-one support and guidance of the DIAL project manager, the DIAL ambassadors would disseminate the DIAL resources across the six colleges of the university and the sector with an aim of developing student communities of practice (CoPs) online and on location to grow and enhance current groups and create new student led CoPs and interest. Read more here.

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