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Arduino, sensors and interactive tech Q&A Meet-Up Weds 16-03-16

Arduino Q&A Meet-Up will take place on Weds 16th March 2016 1pm to 4pm at Chelsea College of Arts in A216 Digital Projects Space

An opportunity staff & students to meet informally across CCW courses to exchange experiences & tips about physical computing and how they are experimenting with these technologies in their practice.

What, when & where:

  • Its an informal get together not a workshop
  • Either come along and observe and learn more or bring along your projects & ideas to share and develop with the group
  • We have some arduino, sensors and physical computingArduino kits to play with, for use in A215 only
  • Weds 16th March 2016 1pm to 4pm
  • Chelsea College of Arts A216 Digital Projects Space

About the Pop Up Digital MakerSpace:

The group is part of CCW Digital and the CCW Pop Up Digital MakerSpace project an inter-disciplinary Student-Staff Collaboration.

The ‘Pop Up Digital MakerSpace’ project aims to explore, share and build on our knowledge and experience of emergent digital practice and its relationship to disciplines at CCW and beyond.

Twitter: @CCWDigital

Contact: Chris Follows

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Arduino, sensors and interactive tech Q&A Meet-Up Weds 16-03-16, by cfollows are Reserved.