DIAL Coordinator Job Description
Please see attached full Job Description for the DIAL Coordinator, DIAL employed two coordinators 2.5 days a week for 6 months, please feel free to copy and appropriate these Job Descriptions in your own context.
The journeys of DIAL coordinators of Rossella Emanuele and Kaye Pryce are documented in their Confessions of a DIAL coordinator’ blog. It takes the format of a journal, tracking the developments and identifying what in future DL coordinator roles may involve.
Purpose of Job:
To contribute to the successful completion of the DIAL Project achieving all objectives on time. To advocate, develop and promote the DIAL Project with College staff and support colleagues in developing digital literacies with an aim of improving graduate employability and develop confidence and capability in the adoption and integration of digitally enhanced learning for staff and students.
Kaye and Rossella’s dedication, enthusiasm, expertise and skills were a great benefit to the DIAL project. It’s hoped some of the issues and interests explored through DIAL could initiate a period of new research and development for them both:
“The DIAL project: I must admit, six months ago, I had no idea what this meant, was or what impact it would have on my digital literacy skills, digital competency levels or my digital life. Six months on, not only has my digital knowledge and experience soared, but I have a far greater appreciation and understanding of DIAL’s scale and possibilities.” Kaye Pryce read more.
“I feel that the DIAL experience has helped me identifying a research area, which I would be interested in developing further, which focuses on the relation between the Fine Art Curriculum and Digital Literacy. I feel that my experience as a Fine Art Lecturer and as a DIAL Coordinator have equally informed my current knowledge and understanding of the Art & Design Curriculum in relation to Digital Literacy and I believe this is an area that will greatly expand in Art & Design Education in future. In this respect I believe there is a need to find new strategies to further integrate these two fields.” Rossella Emanuele read more.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
DIAL project groups;
1. Regularly monitor and evaluate the ongoing DIAL project and work of developing digital literacy in individuals and communities.
2. Responsible for stewarding the online community space and members, sustaining a cumulative process of development within each community project and in DIAL as a whole.
3. Indentify new DIAL project groups; help evaluate needs and scope of perspective projects in line with DIAL aims and objectives.
4. Create documentation of projects and resources including postproduction editing and publishing resources online.
DIAL project;
5. Evaluate the support needs with the project manager of current and future DIAL project groups in terms of the projects overall capacity to deliver and future growth.
6. Contribute fully to the development of the DIAL projects at course level, including both staff and students, at colleges across University of the Arts London in the planning and organisation of DIAL project workshops and events.
7. Develop and disseminate online project content, making resources accessible and openly licensed online on UAL platforms.
8. Provide and support general DIAL project dissemination conferences, workshops and the project blogs, social media and websites.
9. Analysing data: Contribute to systematic data analysis and embed strategies for regular project data collection methods of projects, ensuring the objectives of the DIAL project are achieved.
10. Contribute to the production of ‘resources’ from online multimedia handbooks to full modules. Raise awareness and expertise of project communities, raising DIAL group aspiration of making use of the differing levels of expertise within their target communities.
In addition the post holder will be expected to:
11. Perform such duties consistent with your role as may from time to time be assigned to you anywhere within the University.
12. Undertake health and safety duties and responsibilities appropriate to the role.
13. Work in accordance with the University’s Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and the Staff Charter, promoting equality and diversity in your work.
14. Undertake continuous personal and professional development, and to support it for any staff you manage through effective use of the University’s Planning, Review and Appraisal scheme and staff development opportunities.
15. Make full use of all information and communication technologies in adherence to data protection policies to meet the requirements of the role and to promote organisational effectiveness.
Conduct all financial matters associated with the role in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures, as laid down in the Financial Regulations.
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dial-jdps-final.docx | 50.97 KB |

This Work, DIAL Coordinator Job Description, by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.