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Introduction to the POI programme 2013/14 (Slides)

This session will introduce the professional online identities (POI project) and the Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14.

Aims: This pilot programme will explore the challenges and benefits of delivering and integrating web making support and training for UAL arts students and staff, currently missing from some UAL courses.


What, When & Where 

What: This session will introduce the professional online identities (POI project) and the Online Identities Pilot Programme 2013/14.

When: Thursday 7th November | 5 – 6 (option to stay on for informal chat until 7pm)

Where: D115 CSM


Who’s who

Chris Follows | DIAL Project Manager (Digital Integration into arts Learning) CLTAD

Chrissy Kelly & Lucy Wright | OD&L Digital Literacy

Simon King (CCA), Mark Wells (LCF), Silvia Baumgart (Own-It) | Term 1 POI trainers

Denisa Dumitrescu | DIAL Researcher/Ambassador

John Jackson | e-learning support at CLTAD Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design

Michael Spencer & Fred Meller | Performance Design and Practice (PDP) course staff

CSM Infrastructure team


What you need to bring, need to know

Please bring your own Laptops

Software: For sessions Web development: Session 2 and 6, please try and pre-installed Sublime Text 2, which is free to download.

We’d like to create an online/offline UAL community of practice for web makers. Please participate online on the POI group on process.arts and share with others (Create account here)

Please provide feedback and help us develop and evaluate the programme concepts, at the end of each session will request some feedback for our evaluation.

Please look at these online Web/Code training sites


Why POI?

Student & Staff engagement - The DIAL project found many staff and students were lacking vital basic web building knowledge and skills, students and staff have told us they would appreciative some advice and support in this area. There was a general feeling that having a basic understanding of web environments, processes and developments should be viewed as a fundamental requirement of any professional, training professional and practitioner. Read more about DIAL student engagement, including Enterprise Week sessions, surveys, workshops and student DIAL research.

What we’d like to archive:

Take: You get some training and support in web development
Give: Together we create a small community of practice where you share what you know with others, online or face-to-face 

Wider Project goals


  • Develop a bespoke training programme based on needs of UAL students and staff.
  • Form UAL partnerships to help deliver training and provide sustainability.
  • Develop a Learning / Web Literacy Standard for UAL art students.
  • Explore sustainable models for mass course delivery and integration across UAL.
  • Experiment with virtual and physical learning and teaching communities of practice including developing an ‘arts online professional practice’ massive open online course MOOC.    


How its being developed?

How it is being developed (agile, not short courses or polished its a pilot/experiment)

The programme will agile and will continually be developed through participant feedback and participation, we would like to create/support a self-sustaining community of interest and support network rather than a short course programme. The POI programme will include formal face-to-face training (where possible) and make best use of informal meetings and group sessions as well as online training and support networks.

The sessions (Term 1) expectations

Look at the sessions for POI Term 1

The Sessions (Term 2) what would you like to see next term

Future development in 2014 will be dependent on project funding in meeting DIAL 2014 project requirements


Q & A

Have you completed this survey? If not please see Denisa

Session Evaluations, please complete this one today

Average: 3 (1 vote)
2363 reads
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This Work, Introduction to the POI programme 2013/14 (Slides), by cfollows is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.